Do Not Be Anxious
(Matt 6:30-34)

People want to have a happy life. However, the world brings problems leading us to being worried and anxious. However, Jesus gives us real peace and happiness. Not depending on the world, we should remain in Jesus to enjoy the real happiness.

1. Do not be anxious
People always live with worries and anxiety. However, they don't solve the problems of life. Rather, we are deeply frustrated. We should take our problems over God. The reason why we worry is that our mind is divided and cannot trust on God. We should believe on God who is not changing while the world disappears. God takes care of small things like birds in the sky and flowers in the fields. We are much precious children of God so we are not compared to those things. Therefore, let us not be worried no matter what happens. We should trust our God, Heavenly Father and live with giving thanks and praying hard instead of being worried.

2. Seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness
We should seek for the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God means where God only reigns and is glorified. Therefore, we should put down our wills and thoughts to accept Jesus as the master of our life. Once we welcome Jesus as the owner of our life, our mind will have kingdom of God. Also, we should ask for His righteousness. Humans with sinful nature cannot become righteous by themselves. However, we can enjoy righteousness of God by accepting Jesus who took away all our sins. Therefore, we should hold the cross of Jesus to live with Jesus-first faith.

3. All things will be given to you
Seeking for the kingdom of God and His righteousness, God will give us everything we need. God loved us so much that He gave his own son, Jesus Christ. The most precious gift God gives us is the Holy Spirit. We should desire to receive the Holy Spirit and live with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We should overcome the sinful world with Holy Spirit and live for the glory of God. Don't be afraid whatever happens. Looking at God, march forward with absolute positiveness and thanks so that we will be amazingly blessed by God.