God Has DoneEverything for Us
(Gen 26:12-15, 19-22)

No one dislikes receiving the blessings of God. People in the world seek to be blessed through worshipping idols. However, God is the only one who can give us blessings. We should enjoy the blessings of God by depending on God everyday.

1. The blessings given by God
God becomes the source of blessings. When we love and obey God, we can live a blessed life. Facing famine, Isaac came down to Egypt where green pastures were located. Finding Egypt when having a trouble is the way of a human. When he stopped to Gerar, God asked him not to go Egypt. When Isaac obeyed God, he was a lot blessed. He reaped 100 times of harvest. Obedience is the bowl to contain the blessings of God. Whenever we meet the hardships, we should depend on God who becomes the origin of the blessing instead of finding a human method. People who depend on God will be blessed wherever they go.

2. Jealousy and challengeof gentiles
Philistines envied Isaac because he became the rich person in their land. So they closed all of springs Abraham had made. It was bad intention of destroying Isaac by closing the all the springs because water was so rare in the region. Likewise, the world hates and attacks the children of God just like the Philistines who attacked Isaac. However, we should keep our heart strong and brave in the troubled times to trust and follow God. Jesus has already won the world. When we overcome the hardships with giving thanks to God, God will allow us to be more blessed.

3. God who is with us
Drilling the spring in the ancient times required time-consuming and laborious work. However, Isaac got water whenever he dug the ground as God was with him. He had confidence that he would be blessed wherever he went once he was with God. Therefore, when the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen because of the ownership of the springs, Isaac didn't fight against them and gently gave up the springs. Finally, the Philistines acknowledged his kindness and ability. We are the scent and the letter of Jesus Christ. We should be accompanied with Jesus so that the people in the world realize the power and love of God. When the worldsee Jesus through Christians, problems, tensions and conflicts will be resolved so that everyone can be united in Jesus amazingly.