God who Fulfills His Covenant
(Gen 7:1-7)

Humans cannot understand God's amazing personalities and abilities as we are not eternal. Therefore, we tend to understand God according to our experiences based on our faith. Abraham, the ancestor of faith met God who is Almighty, leading us to prosperous life and achieving His covenants.

1. God Almighty
Abraham had depressing problem that he didn't have son until he became 99 years old. He didn't have any ability to solve his matter. However, Almighty God came to him and made him the father of all nations even he didn't have any descendants. Just like Abraham was frustrated before the problem, we are depressed by the problems in the world every day. However, our life will change once we meet Almighty God whom Abraham met. Our end will be God's start. God calls everything from nothing and turn impossible to possible. Let us live a victorious life with walking with God in the long journey of our life.

2. God who makes us prosper
God wants to bless his children. The blessing given to Abraham was not simply dealing with life matters. Many races were shaped through Abraham and Jesus was born through his bloodline. Furthermore, people saved by faith become the descendants of Abraham. Likewise, the blessing of God is always abundant. Let us obey guidance of God. With God-oriented life and pure obedience to God, we are able to enjoy plentiful blessings of God. Also, we should share our blessings not just by grabbing them but by spreading them for others according to God's will.

3. God who fulfills His covenant
The covenant between God and Abraham was done by God. God promised to give him a son without any returns. What we have to do is to hold the promise of God with faith. Then, the promise of God will be achieved. Don't doubt even answers are later than you expect. When Abraham believed the promise of God, God was pleased and allowed him to have his own son, Isaac. To experience miracle, we have to prove our faith. Let us not be shaken by doubts. With holding the cross with faith, we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.