Joseph’s Tear
(Gen. 45:4-8)

We are living of the world where tears are dried. We tend to pursue interest before our eyes and our minds become hard. The problem is our giving thanks to the grace is faded. We should restore the tears of being forgiven, being reconciled and giving thanks

1. Joseph who meets his brothers
Joseph's brothers sold him as a slave because they were envying that Joseph was more loved by their father. He was falsely accused and put into the prison. He fell to the depressing moment without any faults. He didn't rely on his native feelings or situations. Rather, he depended on God. God held him tightly and saved him out of his problems, making him a prime minister of Egypt. As time passed, he met his brothers again who sold him to Egypt. At that moment, he didn't shed tears of grudge and complain. Rather, he shed tears of giving thanks and forgiving his brothers because he has already met God leading and comforting his life. People who met God had changed tears. Let us not forget the grace of God. Remember the love and touched heart toward God.

2. Joseph who comforts his brothers
The brothers were terrified and scared when Joseph appeared to them as the prime minister of Egypt. However, Joseph showed the helping hands rather than a sword of revenge. He tried to forgive them generously. Forgiveness is a way to save others. When we forgive others, we are able to be forgiven by God. There are no limits when we forgive others because we are christian. However heavy the sins are and how many times they are repeated, we should forgive them because Jesus forgave us even we had to be dead because of sins. We saved by the cross, should learn the forgiveness of Joseph.

3. Joseph who absolutely trusts God
Joseph put his trust in God whatever happened in his life. As a result, God blessed him and changed all his troubles into blessings of God. Likewise, we should know that our life lies in the hands of God. Without putting our trust in God, we easily become arrogant in the time of blessings while we become frustrated in the times of hardships. However, once we believe in God, we can live with positive faith, giving thanks in all circumstances absolutely. Don't be frustrated with believing in humans. Put your trust in God. Have faith in God who will prepare a table for you before the presence of your enemies.