Joseph’s Enbalming
(Ge. 50:24-26)

The first chapter of the Bible is Genesis, which starts with the origin of the world and ends with the death of Joseph. It tells us that God controls the beginning and the end of the all things. God is our hope and the origin of our life. We should live with God-first faith.

1. Joseph who foretells his death
When he was so old and close to his death, he told his brothers that he would die soon. He was a model to overcome adversities and become a prime minister of Egypt so he became the hero of the era to save many people. However, he was not able to avoid death. Death comes to everyone equally and there will be judgment of God after death. Therefore, we should prepare for our death while we are alive. The standard to judge us is our faith when God judges us. Faithful people will go heaven where they'll enjoy happiness forever while people without faith in God will go to hell where they will suffer from lasting punishments. Therefore, we should not pursue worldly things. Rather we should achieve the missions assigned by God. In order to get heavenly rewarded, we should live by preparing glorious death while living in the world.

2. Joseph who declares the care of God
Joseph told their brothers that God would take care of them when he was dying. It is important to know who leads us while we live our lives. Let us not follow the value of the world or people which cannot not promise us to have eternity. Instead, we should be led by Jesus who leads us to the life. We are sheep of God which God is taking care of. So we should follow God, not following the voice of thieves. When we obey Jesus, our good shepherd, we enters the Promised Land. Also, protection of God is sincere. God will never abandon his children. Jesus embrace us till he died. Don't be frustrated even you face disappointing moment of our life as God still holds our hands. What Joseph left behind before his death was not frustration of being dead soon but hope of being protected by God continuously. Likewise, we should serve God sincerely while we are alive and leave good marks of hope when we go to heaven.