Put Your Trust Only in God
(Ps. 4:1-8)

Things in the world are changing. The things that are changing cannot be the subject of our faith. However, God whom we serve and believe in will not changes even everything changes. Depending on God, we can have victorious life.

1. God who hears our prayers
Prayers are our obligation and privilege given to the believers. Children are not embarrassed when they are with their parents. Likewise, we can be happy and joyful because God is with us, listening to our prayers. Once problems come to us, let us not wander the world. Rather, we should go into the room to have strong prayer before God. Repenting humbly, we should lift the name of our Lord with giving thanks. Then, the answers surely come to us and the problems turn into our blessings.

2. God whom we trust in forever
Our God is the only one whom we believe in and rely on. God loved us from the beginning of the world and still loves at present and will love till the end of the world. Our Almighty God keeps His promises with us. We should worship God with love, righteousness and faith. The most important command in the Bible is to love God. By obeying the word and serving neighbors with love, we practice the love of God. Also, we should try to resemble God by practicing righteousness of God. Furthermore, we should have God-first faith based on the love toward God to give glory to God.

3. God who fills our hearts with joy
People led by guidance of God is filled with overflowing joy and happiness. We should hold the joy of God tightly. Once we lose the joy and happiness, our faith is set back. The joy coming from God is abundant and everlasting. Pleasure of the world becomes thinner as time goes by while the joy of God becomes deeper and deeper going beyond our circumstances. Drive out anxiety, fears and complaints by the name of God. Don't rely on your emotions which fluctuates very easily depending on your surroundings. Fix your eyes onto God and enjoy the bountiful joy of God originated from God.