God Who Heals Us
(Ex. 15:22-26)

There are nothing to give us suffering and pains but for diseases. Especially, having incurable disease is not be overcome by encouraging words of others. However, God can comfort us because God is Almighty healer to cure all diseases.

1. The Israelites who fall into despair
What was ahead of Israelites out of Egypt was barren desert beyond their eyes. They couldn't find water even they walked for three days and they were troubled with thirst driving them to feel risky because of dehydration. Even they managed to find water, it was not edible. The same goes to our life. The life of the world is series of depression. We hold money, fame and pleasure to resolve thirst. However, they are vain like bitter water in Marah, which cannot solve the matters of our life. Therefore, we should come before Jesus by standing up from the frustrating moments because Jesus becomes the origin of the living water. When we pray to Jesus with giving thanks and joy, our soul will be alive miraculously.

2. God who solves every problem
Israel people who were trapped by frustrations forgot the grace of God, starting complaining. Then, Moses prayed and God gave him his answer. God didn't change the bitter water directly. Instead, he pointed out a branch. When Moses focused on the branch and threw it into the bitter water, it became sweet. Once we face problems, we should pray. God will show a branch as his answer, which is the cross of Jesus Christ. By holding the cross of Jesus, come before God. Throw the cross in the bitter water of your heart. The power of the precious blood of Jesus will solve our diseases as well as the problems of life.

3. God, the healer
God who turned the bitter water into sweet one promised not to give diseases to Israelites. However, there was condition that they had to follow the rules and laws made by God. People blessed by God go through tests to testify their obedience. Once they obey the words of God, they will enjoy bigger blessings while people who disobey will lose the blessings they have. The reason God tests us is not to give us hardships and troubles. God is good God to give us blessings and to heal our diseases. God sent Jesus to get rid of the sins, the cause of various diseases. With holding the words of God as Promise, we should obey the words of God to experience of real freedom and healing of God.