God Who Sits Enthroned over the Flood
(Ps.) 29:10-11

The world is getting chaotic and confusing. Individuals, family and society are shaken just like a rocking ship by furious waves. We should become the light to show the ways to people in the stormy sea as Christians. To do this, we should pray hard depending on God, who is our only hope.

1. The life facing the flood
There is a moment when we have problems like being hit by floods. We should think why they come to our life instead of complaining or being frustrated doing nothing. Floods are the tools of judgment of God. At the time of Noah when sins were prevailing, God washed the world with floods. However, it was not the sign of the rage of God but a tool for giving a lesson for us to return from committing sins. Therefore, when we have difficult moments like having floods, we should look back on our lives, repenting sins humbly. When we repent our sins thoroughly, there will be a way of life amid of floods taking away our breaths and lives.

2. God who is enthroned as king
God becomes our King regardless of our situations. God enthrones as king even in the floods. God is the only one who can stabilize and control all chaos and troubles at once. Not only life and death but also all the nature laws are obeyed God, who is the Almighty creator of universe. Money, power and fame pursued by people in the world are vain compared to God. We should acknowledge God as our king and follow God. Let us praise the greatness of God who can solve all the matters of life. Then, God will achieve miraculous things in our life as our king.

3. God who gives strength and peace
God allows his people to have power to overcome the difficult moments physically as well as internal peace to be calm even in the frustrating moments. In order to enjoy this grace, we should obey the words of God. We have privilege to pray when we are in trouble. Use this special privilege actively. When we ask for help with faith, God will answer us surely. Pray with giving thanks to God before you are worried and anxious about your flood-like problems. Then, God who is never shaken will keep our hearts strong and brave through the peace of God. Get rid of your frustration and depend on God who gives us peace so that we can have victorious life.