Faith That Creates Miracles
(Mk. 2:3-5, 10-12)

People are depressed and frustrated when they face incurable diseases or bankrupted business. However, christians who depend on God will never be frustrated as God becomes our helpers to solve our problems.

1. A man in a desperate situation
A leprosy came to Jesus with the help of the other four. However, there were so many people that he couldn't go forward. Frustrations caused by his disease and crowded people ahead of them came to them. However, they didn't give up faith that Jesus would be their helper. Likewise, we in the world are put in the depressing situations. We are troubled because of physical, environmental and spiritual curses. The more depressing fact is that we cannot solve our problems. Don't be frustrated. March forward with Jesus, who becomes our absolute hope then the curses will be driven out and we will be blessed instead.

2. The faith based of absolute positivity
The four made a hole on the top of the roof to put down the leprosy. The house was impaired and the dirts were falling to the people inside. However, they only focused on seeing Jesus. Absolute faith allows us not to give up. To have this faith, we should believe that God has ultimate authority and power as our master and should live with God all the time. When we see our problems bigger than our God as we are far away from God, we cannot own positive faith at all. Positive faith brings about miracles. When we jump over negative thoughts with positive faith, we will experience the miracles of God.

3. Jesus who works miracles
Jesus changes our situations in a better way in addition to giving us comforting and encouraging words. When we come before Jesus with positive faith, salvation and healing come to our life as miracles in reality. Jesus asked the leprosy to walk with his mat and go home. This message can be applied to our life. We should rise up from our depressing moments or places. Also, we should remember that the place of troubles turn into blessed place of hope. As children of God, we should give glory to God with giving thanks to God with joy.