Taste and See That the Lord Is Good
(Ps. 34:4~10)

People in the world are frustrated with complaining about their troubled situations. However, christians should react differently from the people in the world. We should march forward with absolute positivity and giving thanks. God will save people who give thanks in all times.

1. Faith crying the Lord in suffering
David became a hero after killing Goliath. However, he was chased by Saul as the King hated him. He had to pretend to be mad in front of Philistines to save his life. He was so miserable but was not frustrated. Rather he honored God with giving thanks and praises. The reason for his praise in hardships was because of his faith so he believed that God would answer to him when he cried out. When we are in trouble, people don't care for us but God listens to us and gives us his answers. Coming to God with our problems, we see our sadness turning into our happiness and our problems becoming blessings.

2. God who saves us out of despair
When we cry out before God, God is working to save us. Nothing will not change physically but the answers of God are coming closer to us with spiritual eyes. When we pray with faith, God sends his angles to save his people. The King of Aram wanted to kill Elisha with many soldiers but God send full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha for protection. God answers us sincerely. Depend on God to experience the goodness of God. We should experience God not to understand God with knowledge. When we respond to God with faith, our troubles and depression will turn into hope.

3. Blessing given to a person who serves God
We given grace of God should live for serving God. The foundation of serving God lies in fear of God. When we honor God with fear, we are no more afraid of the world. When we serve and love God sincerely, we will be blessed not to be wanted. People who take care of themselves will not fill their empty feelings. On the contrary, people who come before God will be satisfied all the times. Let us not see what we are lack. Let us not be stick to past wounds. Rather, we should fix our eyes onto God who helps us. When we come to God with abundant gratitude, we will not be wanted because of blessings of God.