Haven’t You Any Fish?
(Jn. 21:1~6)

Life without hope is miserable. However, it's hard to find hope in the world where sins and death are full. Jesus who became the sins and death is the only hope. Therefore, we cannot have a happy life without Jesus.

1. A life failed
One night, Peter who was frustrated not to catch any fishes, Jesus came and brought a miracle of catching a lot of fish. Then, Peter became one of disciples of Jesus, leaving all his things behind. For three years, he had experienced a lot of miracles done by Jesus. However, he betrayed Jesus when Jesus was captured. Even, he cursed Jesus , denying Jesus for three times. Maybe we have same mind of Peter. Sometimes we may compromise with the world being afraid of being turned away because of Jesus. Then we should return to God. Once we repent our sins, Jesus accepts us.

2. Jesus who is looking for a failure.
People without Jesus is like those who are living in an empty boat without fish. Peter betrayed Jesus for his interest but nothing was beneficial to him. He lost the great dream to save souls and returned to his normal life as a fisherman. Frustration came. The more he tried to cast his net for fishing, the less he got. The life losing a holy mission given by Jesus is like an empty boat floating aimlessly. However, Jesus came to Peter again. Jesus made Peter's boat full with fish. Jesus is knocking the door of our heart. Open your heart to Jesus. Once we accept Jesus as our master, our empty boat will change into a boat full of hope.

3. Jesus who heals us
John noticed resurrected Jesus at first sight but the one who jumped into the water to come to Jesus was Peter. He felt a lot guilty because he betrayed Jesus. So he desired a lot to come before Jesus. Jesus prepared the fire and food for Peter who was wet and felt cold. Peter enjoyed the meal prepared by Jesus and was fully recovered from his wounds deep in his heart. Even we fall down and set back, Jesus comes to us to heal us, to give us his mission and recover the relationship with Jesus. Now what we have to do is to spread this amazing love to the world, walking with Jesus with faith.