Do You Love Me?
(Jn. 21:15~17)

The power to overcome failure and to change one's life lies in love. Jesus forgave peter who betrayed him and gave him a mission. With that love, Peter was transformed, depending on the Holy Spirit to become the faithful servant of the Lord until he died.

1. Peter who betrayed Jesus
Before his death on the cross, Jesus told his disciples that they would leave and betray Jesus. Peter said he would not be away from Jesus even every one would leave. However, Peter cursed Jesus and betrayed Jesus for three times as what Jesus had told. When the rooster crew at dawn, he mourned and cried out sadly. People tend to follow Jesus when they are in glorious time but they leave when they are in trouble. When we betray Jesus for our interests, we will regret and cry out with sadness.

2. Jesus who forgave him
Jesus came to Peter who denied Jesus three times. When Jesus came to peter, Peter returned to his familiar life as a fisherman. Even Peter put much effort to catch, there was nothing in his net. The life without Jesus, only failures and depression are ahead of us. Thankfully, Jesus comes to us who are in frustration and depression. Jesus came to Peter to fill his net with a lot of fish. With his Love, Jesus forgave peter and prepared the special meal for him. Likewise, Jesus comes to us and makes us rise up from the place of sins and failures. Let us hold the hands of Jesus and rise up again.

3. Jesus who gave him charge of God’s work
Jesus fed Peter with specially prepared food and asked him if he loved Jesus three times. This was the process to heal Peter's wound caused by his denial. Then Jesus gave him a special mission to feed his sheep. Jesus who fed and gave a special mission to Peter is working in our life. We should realize what is our mission after we are restored. Then we should obey Lord with faith. We should reconcile the relationship with God based on Love and live for the glory of God.