Mother’s Prayer
(1 sam 1:9~11, 17~18)

There are great mothers behind heroes changing the world history. Children should not forget the great and noble grace of their mothers. There is the prayer of Hanah behind the great leader, Samuel in Israel.

1. The temple centered/worship centered faith
Hannah went to the temple with his husband annually to worship God. She always desired to worship God in the temple and did her best efforts to pray before God. The basic and important thing to do as christians is to focus on worshipping God sincerely. God is looking for a man who worship God truly. To raise a child of a prayer, parents should be the good example to educate them. By forming a faithful family with worshipping God, we can be blessed.

2. Hanna who prayed eagerly
Hannah experienced miracle through the prayer. She felt sad because she didn't give birth to a baby so she prayed before God deeply. As a result, she gave birth to a baby, Samuel, who later became a great leader. She prayed with tears and promise to ask the will of God and she endured until she was answered patiently. Don't put down hands of prayers for your children. Children will be much blessed by the prayer of mother.

3. The faith of positive belief
Eli knew the problem of Hannah and he blessed her. When Elies blessed her , nothing happened immediately and no sign occurred. However, Hannah believed what he said with her faith. Even our reality seems to be pessimistic and negative, we can find peace once we believe the promise of God with faith. Experience the miracle of God by believing what God promises for you without doubts.

4. The prayer which is answered
The reason why Hannah's prayer is great is she didn't forget the grace of God. As what she promised, she offered her son, Samuel before God. It is common that people forgot remembering of the grace of God after they were blessed and they tend to conform the world. However, we should practice the teachings of Jesus to give glory to God. Let us practice the love of God without forgetting the grace of God.