All of Them Were Filled with the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:1-4)

Before being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were weak because they ran away after they turned away from Jesus. However, they became the power disciples after being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit on the pentecostal day. They were brave enough to spread the Gospel. To overcome the world, we should become the powerful christians by being filled with the Holy Spirit.

1. The Holy Spirit Father promised
God promised to send the Holy Spirit to baptize us. The baptism of the holy spirit and the fullness of the Holy Spirit is very important to christians. At the last supper before Jesus was betrayed, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples. The Holy Spirit becomes our helper and comforter by being with us every time. When we get help from the Holy Spirit, we overcome the world and spread the Gospel bravely.

2. Disciples who wait while praying
The disciples waited for the Holy Spirit to come to them by praying hard. On the pentecostal day, the Holy Spirit came. The Holy Spirit comes to those who are eager to receive the Holy Spirit while they are praying. Patience is one part of our faith. We should wait the right time and ways of God not depending on our time and ways. Let us be blessed by waiting for God's work based on the promise of God.

3. The history of the fullness of the Holy Spirit
The baptism of the Holy Spirit means we are fully captured by the power of the Holy Spirit. The people filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit are living with the power and personality derived from the Holy Spirit. We cannot see the Holy Spirit with our physical eyes but the Holy Spirit works for us. One the Holy Spirit blows like a wind, our depressions and frustration are gone and give thanks to God. Also, the Holy Spirit lights our life like a fire and burn our dirty sins. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are able to speak tongues, which help us to have deeper prayer and communicate with God spiritually.

4. Revealing God’s glory
When the disciples spoke each different tongue about the kingdom of God, many people with different nationality heard the Gospel in their languages, and the glory of God spread out to the world. It was not the past history. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we experience amazing works of God so that we can spread the Gospel bravely. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can spread the glory of God all over the world.