The Work That the Holy Spirit Does
(Jh.) 14:16-17; 15:26; 16:13-14

 Before the night before Jesus was on the cross, Jesus told that he would return to God. The disciples were afraid and worried. Jesus comforted them and promised to send the Holy Spirit to them.

1. The Holy Spirit who comes to us as the counselor
 Ascension of Jesus didn't mean that Jesus forsaken his disciples. Because Jesus asked God to send the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit comes to us. Jesus as a human being was limited in time and space. However, the Holy Sprit was and is not limited by the time and the space. Holy Spirit as our counselor remains in us all the time as the God of Immanuel. Holy Spirit is never away from us even we are in troubles. Even we are weak and not perfect, we can achieve amazing works with the Holy Spirit.

2. The Holy Spirit of truth
 The Holy Spirit Jesus sent to us is teaching the words of Jesus and reminds us of what Jesus taught. It is hard to live to keep the faith in the world of sins. However, we will be peaceful once the Holy Spirit of truth comes to us and gives us power of Jesus. Even we have a lot of knowledge and wisdom of the world, it doesn't give us any spiritual benefits. We believe in Jesus, learn and realize the words of God thorough the Holy Spirit thereby being saved and experiencing the grace of God. Also, the Holy Spirit let us know what are sins to avoid furious judgement of Gand leads us to live a righteous life.

3. The Holy Spirit who brings glory to Jesus
 Once we are captured by the Holy Spirit, we will love Jesus more than anything else in the world because the Holy Sprit let us know how much precious and glorious Jesus is. Therefore, we are to live to show the glory of Jesus when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. When we are full of the Holy Spirit, we cannot help spreading the name of Jesus. We are passionate enough to spread the name of Jesus at the end of the world with the power of Jesus. At that same time, we should live to be a good example to the others. When we resemble Jesus a lot, the people in the world show the glory of God.