Get Up and Walk
(Jn. 5:2~9)

Jesus spread the Gospel, teaching the words of truth and giving hope to those who were frustrated by sickness and problems of life. Jesus is still working through the Holy Spirit. Anyone who meets Jesus can have a new hope and courage.

1. The life that falls into despair
Near the temple of Jerusalem was a lake called Bethesda, referred to as the house of grace. The bible tells us that an angel would come down from time to time, stir the waters and the first person who could get down into the water would be healed of whatever their ailment was. Therefore , many sick people came to the lake to be healed. Likewise, many people come to church in the hope of being healed just like people came to the Bethesda. The church becomes the spiritual Bethesda. Just as the water touched by the angel could the sick, we can be healed once we come to church because the sins and frustrations are gone thereby being filled with hope and joy.

2. Jesus who came to see the invalid
One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. He was totally frustrated because of his 38-year disease. One day , Jesus came. Jesus felt sorry for him, looking at the man. Jesus asked him, "Do you want to get well?" However, the man was finding some excuses why he wasn't able to be healed, without any hopes of being cured. What Jesus wanted him to confess was faith rather than excuses. With faith of being healed and giving thanks to God, we can experience of amazing miracle. Let us march forward with holding the word of God.

3. Jesus who is the problem solver
Jesus told the sick who had been suffering for 38 years to get up and walk. It seemed to be impossible for the man to walk. However, the word of Jesus turns impossible to possible. The place of having been the patient for 38 years represents deep frustration. When Jesus asked him to get up and walk , the man was presented with the hope of tomorrow, throwing away the bitter past. When we encounter Jesus personally, our negative images and identity are gone and we can have a new identity in Jesus. Jesus asked him to walk. When he picked up the matt and walked, people around him gave glory to him. We should share what we have as grace with others not just staying at the place as we are with what we've gotten from God.