The Church Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit
(Acts. 13:1-3)

To have a successful life, it is important to meet good people to receive good advices and learn from them. However, the best encounter in our life is to meet Jesus personally. The one who is the most successful is the person who meets Jesus and accepts the Holy Sprit, being guided by the Holy Spirit.

1. The church that is worshiping the Lord
God created us with special purposes. Humans should praise God and serve God. We can enjoy the most valuable and happiest life when we live with the goal. Don't seek for material things, power, fame and popularity. Look at Jesus only. Jesus becomes everything for us. The purpose of church is the same. Church should serve God and spread the Gospel days and nights. Churches established by God should not be shaken by any persecutions and temptations of the world. The head of church is not pastors, elders and members. Jesus is the only head of church. Therefore, we should build a church which serves God and spreads Gospel to be praised by God.

2. The church that obeys the voice of the Holy Spirit
A church should listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. To do this, we should build a friendly relationship with the Holy Spirit. We should respect the will of the Holy Spirit and listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit. The one who can't put down his or her will not obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. Accept that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit transcending our thoughts. Sometimes, adversities of the world sweep over us when we try to follow the will of the Holy Spirit. Be brave and don't be afraid of them. Hold the words of God and we will be blessed. By getting closer to the words of God, we can be trained to listen to the voice of Jesus. When we obey the Holy Spirit, we enjoy peaceful life regardless of our situations.

3. The church that prays
When the Antioch church was told to Barnabas and Saul for the work to which God had called them while praying hard, they had fasting and obeyed right away. We learn two important spiritual lessons here. The first is to start praying wherever we start doing something as without preparation through prayers, we cannot be successful. Especially, leaders of churches should do their best efforts to seek for the will and power of Jesus. Second, we should use the best things we have when we do support mission work. For example, when we send missionaries into another countries, we should send the best talented person of the churches and devoted person willingly taking the risks of life for the Gospel. To achieve the last order of Jesus, churches must be dedicated by using all the things we have.