The Faith That Creates Miracles
(1 kings 17:8-16)

God works with faithful people. When we have negative thoughts and attitude, God will not use us. When we obey God with faith even we are in depressing troubles, we will experience miracles of God.

1. The word of God that came to Elijah
God punished Israel because of their idolatry. People were starved and crops were dried. Then, God asked Elijah to leave and turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. When he obeyed, a crow gave him food. Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. Then the word of the LORD came to him and asked him to go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there to asked a widow in that place to supply him with food. Going there was dangerous but he obeyed. When we put down our ways and start following the ways of God, miracles occur.

2. The widow of Zarepath who was obedient in a desperate situation
Elijah asked the widow to give him some water. Water was rare because of sever drought but she stood up to give him water. Then, Elijah asked her to give him a loaf of bread. She said she had the very handful of food before she would die. Elijah gave her the word of God and asked her to bake bread for him. The widow with a strong faith obeyed God. This positive faith brings about miracle. When we offer the best thing we have, God will reward us with the best God has.

3. The blessings of faith
The widow received that blessings that the jar of flour would not be used up and the jug of oil would not run dry. Because of her obedience, her family endured drought. Real obedience is accompanied with action. Taking risk of losing her life, she chose to obey God so that she and her family were saved. Likewise, we need to have a jar of faith like the widow. When we obey God with faith, we will experience of God's filling our needs everyday.