The power of the Cross
(1 Cor. 1:23-24)

People in the world don't know the power of the cross. However, the power of the cross is power of God and the wisdom of God to Christians. We should hold the cross tightly. We will have the victorious life once we stand firmly on the faith based on the cross of Jesus.

1. The power of salvation
Because of the sins committed by Adam and Eve, all humans have been born with sins. The result of sins is death. The sinful humans couldn't satisfy God. However, God wanted to save humans. Therefore, God sent Jesus for him to pay the debts of sins on the cross. Thanks to Jesus, the love of God was shown. During the old testament period, people killed animals whenever they committed sins to be forgiven. However, we can come before God at any times thanks to the precious blood of Jesus on the cross. Any one who believes the cross of Jesus can be saved. We should give thanks to God and spread the power of love on the cross.

2. The wisdom of God
The cross of Jesus becomes the power of God to save sinners. However, the Jews and Greeks didn't know the cross of the Jesus. The Jews expected to have powerful and political messiah so they refused the cross of Jesus. Meanwhile, the Greeks thoght that the cross of Jesus was not reasonable. However, we experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit should know that the cross of Jesus becomes the power and the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is revealed through the cross of Jesus, not being shown through the military and political power and humans' reasonable thoughts. The wisdom of God is hidden in Jesus. We should not confirm the trend of the world. Instead, we should find the wisdom of God in Jesus.

3. Our pride
What we have to be proud of is Jesus. Paul had lots of things to be proud of. He was a Roman citizen, the best scholar, and a Pharisee. However, he regarded them as nothing after he encountered Jesus personally and was proud of Jesus. There is nothing but Jesus whom we proud of. Our old person was dead on the cross and now we are new creatures in Jesus. We should put our old person on the cross and be proud of Jesus, lifting the name of Jesus and loving Jesus. By doing so, people in the world come to know Jesus and God will be glorified.