I Am the Vine; You Are the Branches
(John 15:1-5)

The Chapter, John is dealing with the conversation between Jesus and his disciples. This conversation is called as dialogue of the attic. Especially we will see the comparison between the grape trees and the vines.

1. Jesus is the vine
God chose Israel as the grape tree and took care of them with love. God wanted Israel to be the holy nation and the priest to lead many people to God. However, it became the disobedient tree. So Jesus came to us as the real grape tree. During his life, he became like winter grape tree without tree leaves and weak. However, Jesus bore the beautiful fruit through the sacrifice on the cross. Once we follow Jesus, the real grape tree, we can be forgiven and have a new life.

2. We are the branches
We are the branches attached to Jesus. So we should be attached to Jesus to get nutrients and water. Sometimes, we forget that we are branches and try to live by ourselves. However, money, fame and power in the world cannot replace the life of Jesus. The power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus makes us alive. Therefore, we should be completely united with Jesus. Jesus in us should be alive while we should be dead. When we resemble Jesus, the world see the glory of Jesus and the kingdom of God will be enlarged.

3. The life that bears fruit
Farmers get rid of the branches which cannot produce fruits to have better fruit and put more care on the branches which produce more. To be productive branches, we should be attached to the tree. The branches of Jesus would be in Jesus to have plentiful fruit regardless of our environment. We should resemble Jesus by bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Also, we should spread the Gospel to bear the fruits of life. We should share the blessing with others. To grow the branches well, we should be provided the words of God sufficiently. By learning by heart and keeping the words of God, we will be amazingly blessed.