Repair the Alter Which Was in Ruins
(1Ki.) 18:30-36

The most important thing in our faith is to keep loving God. However, Israel forgot the love of God after they arrived at Canaan and then they committed sin of worshipping Baal. God gave them a chance to restore their love toward God through Elijah.

1. Restore the faith of the cross
God chose Israel but Israel turned away and worshipped the Baal. Just like the broken alter of Yahwe, their faith became broken down. Therefore, Elijan set the alter again with 12 stones representing 12 tribes of Israel. Then, he killed a calf and put the table as the sacrificial offering because of sins committed by Israel people. This worship service is like the lamb of passover to save Israel people. The worship service transferring sins of humans to animals represent the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Depending on the blood of Jesus, we can come before God. When we restore the love toward the cross, we can be embraced by the love of God.

2. Restore the faith of the cleanliness
Elijah poured water on the alter. It means to purify their minds stained by sins. Only with the blood of Jesus, we can be washed. The words of God in the bible are covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Therefore, when we are filled with the words of God, we will be restored. When we meditate the words of God and proclaim the words of God, the sins in our thought will be gone and keep our mind pure and purified. When our sins are revealed before the words of God, we should not justify our sins. We should repent our sins. With depending on the precious blood of Jesus, we can be forgiven.

3. Restore the faith of the fullness of the Holy Spirit
When Elijah prayed hard to receive the answer of God, the fire of God came down to burn everything on the alter. The fire of God is presented as the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit comes to us, all our vain thought and selfish ego will be gone and we clearly know the love and good will of God. Also, we experience the internal transformation when we are filled with God. We should hate sins and follow the holy life. We see hope getting out of despair. We overcome fear and take responsibility of God bravely. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can be praised and blessed by God.