The Life Getting Better
(Jn 2:1-5)

People were captured by sins and deaths into blessing by overcoming the power of curses and sins. Once we believe in Jesus, we are blessed abundantly.

1. The family in despair
Jesus , the mother of Jesus and disciples went to the wedding party of Cana. But wind was in lack during the party. Wine represented the joy of wedding so it was necessary items for the party. Anxiety came instead of joy. Likewise, we face unexpected problem. Even we have everything in this world not being wanted, we fall into heaven if we don't believe in Jesus. Jesus is the only one who gives the eternal life and joy.

2. Jesus who becomes the hope
The mother of Jesus told Jesus that the wine ran out. To change our depressing moments, we should come before Jesus. There are many depressing conditions. What we have to do is to seek for Jesus who becomes our shepherd, not just seeking for the solutions of problems. When we meet problems, we should not be frustrated at first, Rather, we should pray before Jesus. With faith, we should pray and Jesus will answer our prayer. Don't be worried when your wine is running out. We have Jesus. Let us accept Jesus as our savior and look at Jesus, absolute hope.

3. Jesus, the problem-solver
The mother of Jesus asked servants to do as what they were told from Jesus. We should obey what Jesus asks us to do. The servants obeyed and filled the Jar with water. The water changed into wine. When we obey God with faith, we experience the amazing miracles of God. What is more important is our personality changes into that of God as children of God just like water changed into wine. The most important thing in the wedding party was not the wind but Jesus. Instead of finding solutions to problems, we should seek for Jesus, who becomes the problem-solver. When we meet Jesus, our problems will be solved and our life will become better.