The Law of the Spirit of Life
(Rom 7:24-8:2)

When we accept Jesus, we have fundamental changes to follow the will of God and have holy hope. However, we are still not free from sins. So Paul said he was a wretched man. How can we get out of this tension and enjoy true freedom and peace?

1. The image of the old-self
In the past, we belonged to sinful nature. We didn't know what sins are and committed various sins thereby reaching death at the end. However, we become a new person to achieve the will of God to please God after believing in God. The problem is the old inner person still remains in us. While our new person wants to do good, the old inner person leads us to committing various sins. It is not easy to get out of the temptations of sinful nature while we live with flesh. Therefore, we should put down our arrogance, and then we can control sins and we should avoid the place of temptations and sins. Whenever we commit sins, we should repent our sins.

2. The law of the Spirit of life
Jesus allows us not only to be saved but also to be free from sins. Even, we are not perfectly free from the temptations of the sins, Jesus let us not be judged, thanks to the grace of God. Jesus became the reconciled offering to save us. The sins have lost the power to control us. Our identity changes into children of God from the children of slaves. We are dead to the sins while we are alive to righteousness. Now, we should live as the man of spirit who bears the fruit of eternal life instead of living as a man with flesh, who bears the fruit of death.

3. The life of faith getting victory
To live a life to overcome sinful temptations, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit witnesses that we become the children of God. The Holy Spirit strengthens our weaknesses and pray for us. Christians are those who live with the power of God. God pours us his power which the world cannot compete with and helps us to show the glory of God. We should be filled with prayers and word of God to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit. We should seek for the Holy Spirit with prayers and meet the Holy Spirit in the word of God. May you be filled with the Holy Spirit so that you can overcome at every period of our life with Jesus.