The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (Ⅰ) -Love, Joy and Peace
(Ga. 5:22-23)

The faith based on the Full Gospel is related to be fullness of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the Word of God. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, we naturally bear fruit of the Holy Spirit abundantly. Especially, the disciples of Jesus we should bear fruit of the Holy Spirit.

1. Love
The first fruit of the Holy Spirit is love. The love of the world is self-centered and selfish. It disappears and changes depending on its circumstances. However, the love of God is sacrificial and unconditional. When we were not worth of being loved, God loved us. When we were sinners and away from God, God sent to Jesus to save us. We beloved by God should love our God and neighbors with our best efforts. We cannot practice that unconditional love of God. However, we can produce the fruit of love once we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

2. Joy
The second fruit of the Holy Spirit is joy. To achieve the mission that we are given by God, we should be filled with Joy. It is natural reaction to positive things. So it is sure that we cannot be happy without happy moments. Ironically, however, St. Paul was happy even he was in the prison. Also, he was hopeful when he was driven out because of spreading the Gospel. The reason is he had joy that was originated from Jesus, which was bigger than the hardships of the world. He maintained the joy of being saved, expecting to see heaven and walking with Jesus. This joy was not limited to St. Paul. Anyone who accepts Jesus as the savior can enjoy this joy. Let us keep our joy so that it will not be taken away by being filled with the Holy Spirit every day.

3. Peace
The third fruit of the Holy Spirit is peace. The world allures that money, fame and power will give us peace. However, they will not give us real peace because they will disappear tomorrow even they are with us today. God who never changes will give us real peace. Even rough and furious situations try to sweep over us, anxiety and worries will be gone once we are with Jesus. When Jesus was dead on the cross, the disciples were scattered, being afraid and locking the door. However, resurrected Jesus came to them so as to give them peace. We should meet Jesus who comes to us when we are in troubles thereby enjoying peace which cannot be compared to the things that world can give.