The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (Ⅱ) - Patience, Kindness, Goodness
(Gal. 5:22-23)

Last Sunday, we looked at the fruit of the Holy Spirit including love, joy and peace. These are related to the relationship between God and ourselves. Today, we look at the fruit of patience, kindness and goodness which are related to the relationship with our neighbors.

4. Patience
The fourth fruit is patience. It drives us to be patience until the righteousness of God comes true regardless of circumstances. The world forgets about importance of patience. People tend to respond quickly and hesitate to wait longer. However, impatience brings about problems. We should believe in God and wait the time of God. People who put faith that God will listen to will wait. It will not be useless when we are patient and wait for the answers of God. There will be precious fruit at the end. Look at Jesus. Be patience and wait the timing of God to enjoy the promised fruit of blessing of God.

5. Kindness
The fifth fruit is kindness, which enables us to be serve kindly for others. Kindness is important personality to have a good relationship with others. However, there is a difference between the kindness of God and the kindness in the world. In the world, people expected to be rewarded after they are kind to others. However, the kindness of God is different, which asks us to be nice to our enemies without rewards. Jesus took the cross with that kindness to save us. We should put on the kindness of Jesus to love our neighbors just like we love ourselves.

6. Goodness
The sixth fruit is goodness which is related to good mind and behavior. Once we believe in Jesus, our identity is changed from the children of darkness to those of light. We lived by committing various sins before. Now, we are children of God to bear meaningful fruit of light. We should act based on the word of God to give glory to God as children of light. To do this, we should experience the grace of God deeply. When we are loved and enjoy the grace of God, our heart will be filled with joy and love so that we can do good with good hearts.