Uphold Me
(Ps. 119:114-119)

People in the world seek for happiness. However, it's hard to find the real peace in the world because the real peace and happiness are in Jesus.

1. God who is my protector
We have fierce spiritual fight in the world. The world full of sins is operated by the principles of sins so christians are always attacked. The evil spirit holding the power of the world attack us not to follow faith. In this world, we should be protected by God. Let us not put our efforts humanly. Rather, we should depend on God entirely. God becomes our shelter and shield. Let us not look around the world to find human methods. When we come before Jesus who overcame the world, we will find the real peace.

2. God who upholds us
To live with the Word of God goes beyond our determination. Even the greatest saint, Paul said that he was a wretched person. Overcoming the sins with Word of God is possible when God holds us tightly. When troubles come to us, we should come before God to hold His hand. God doesn't turn away from us. Whatever happens, let us not be worried and depend on Almighty God. Let us not put our hope in the world where false promises deceive us. Instead, we should put our hope into God, who is always sincere and holds us tightly.

3. God who judges evildoers
Seeing the evil men succeed in the world gives the faithful people big frustrations and depression. However, God asks us not to envy the success of evil people. Even, it seems that righteousness and justice disappear but faithful people are persecuted. However, the day of Judgement will come. On the day, only the righteous people to follow the will of God will be saved by faith. Open the eyes of faith and look at God. Trust God entirely. Meet God who judges evil people and lift His righteous people.