Only Be Careful, and Watch Yourselves Closely
(Dt. 4:7-9)

People who are saved Jesus through faith, can enjoy peace and joy that cannot be given by the world. This blessing cannot be purchased by money or not be stolen by power of the world. The most blessed people in the world are the children of God thanks to Jesus.

1. God who listens to our prayer
The blessed privilege that we can enjoy is to communicate with God. This is the biggest blessing because we can communicate the Almighty creator of heaven and earth. To communicate with God, we should pray. When we pray, we should acknowledge that God has personality and master so that we humbly pray before God(Mt. 6:9-10). Then, God will listen to our prayer and answers with blessing. Therefore, people who pray will never perish. We should put down our worries and anxiety before the cross of Jesus and do our best efforts in praying hard all the time to be blessed.

2. God who gives us the word
God gives us the Word of God so that we can become the blessed children of God. The commands of God are not to bind but to protect us and guarantee the rights of Children of God. The blessing based on the Word of God is not limited. The one who obey the Word of God can reap plentiful harvest even when famine comes and stomps occurs in the life(Ps. 1:1-3). The word of God directs the individuals and members of families, too. Therefore, we should teach our children with the word of God so that they can obey God. The mature christians are the one who keeps the word of God. Let us be accompanied with the Word of God and live in the grace of God.

3. God who is the only one to believe in
We should never forget the grace of God. Thanks to the fact that we are saved by believing in Jesus and becomes the children of God, we should give thanks to the Lord with our absolutely positive faith. However, as time passes, our thanksgiving are being faded away. As a result, we tend to love things in the world and depend the ways of the world. When the place of God disappears in our hearts, our human will and greed fill that empty place(2King 17:15-16). Do not forget the grace of salvation. Let us throw our ways. God is the only one we can trust completely. When we live with God-oriented faith, much bigger blessing of God comes to us. (Mt. 6:33)