He Has Made Everything Beautiful in Its Time
(Ecc. 3:11-13)

People in the world are living the life by themselves. But human’s efforts become fruitless without God. We should remember that everything is done thanks to God.

1. There is a time of God
There is right time during our life. There is time to be lifted while there is time to be lowered. There is time to laugh while there is time to cry. But we cannot set our times for ourselves. Even we plan our lifetimes, we sometimes fail. We should live with the time of God. When we live with the time of God, we realize that all that we have done have been achieved thanks to guidance of God. Then, we never feel sad in the time of troubles. Don’t depend on the power of humans. Those who do their best efforts by waiting for the time of God will be blessed by the grace of God.

2. The heart desiring eternity
God created people spiritually. Therefore, people feel huger spiritually even their physical needs are fully filled. That is the mind to desire eternity. People feel their spiritual hunger with money, fame and popularity which are the values of the world. Sometimes, they look for religions. However, only God can fill our spiritual hunger. There is the only way to come before God by Jesus. (Jh.14:6) When we encounter Jesus, we can get real freedom by getting out of spiritual hunger. Accept Jesus as your master and receive real happiness.

3. Absolute sovereignty of God
We should humbly obey God as our master because we are the creatures. However, Adam and Eve were dissatisfied with the grace of God. They wanted to become like God so that they ate the Prohibited fruit. The result of not acknowledging the authority of God but becoming the master of own life was death. We cannot lead our life without God. If we put ahead our will before God, we experience failures. Learn from Jesus who obey God even he would be dead. (Mt. 26:39) When we accept the absolute authority of God and live with God-centered life, we will be led by the grace of God.