Only by Faith
(Rom. 1:17)

500 years ago, Martin Luther summed up 95 Theses dealing with problems of Catholic church and posted it on the gate of Wittenberg church. It led to Religious Reformation which enabled church to be righteously reestablished. To do this, Luther depended on Roman chapter 1 verse 17.

1. The righteousness of God
The Gospel shows the righteousness of God. To be saved, we need the righteousness of God. The Jewish people wanted to achieve that righteousness of God through laws but the purposes of the laws make us realize that we are sinners, not making us righteous. (Rom. 2:20) The way to achieve righteousness is not through the laws but through Jesus. Righteous Jesus died on the cross to give righteousness of God to sinners. We did not do anything. It was the grace of God. To reach the way of righteousness, we should hold Jesus to be forgiven and become the children of God.

2. The faith that fulfills the righteousness of God
There is no qualification to achieve the righteousness of God. The condition of salvation is to have faith. Demon tests our faith at every moment. So we fall down and make mistakes. However, our sincere God never gives up us and holds our weak faith. Even if we say we believe in God, our faith doesn't work. We should completely offer our material things, social status and life to God. We should trust on God and obey the words of God although we are in troubles. God will make us rise and lead us to the way of life and righteousness when we trust on God even we fall down. (Phil.1:6)

3. The life lived by faith
After becoming the children of God, we should live with faith. It is not easy to live with faith in the world where sins and temptations are overflowing. However, we will be blessed by keeping faith strongly regardless of situations. (Heb. 10:38) God looks for the man of faith. When we become faithful and sincere, we will live a life to give glory to God by belonging to God. Therefore, we should have great faith. Our faith grows when we are in Jesus. The encounter with Jesus can be possible by being led by the Holy Spirit. Let us achieve divine works of God by becoming a man of faith who stands on the Word of God and prayers strongly.