God's Mercy and Love
(Tit. 3:4-7)

All people are sinners before God. However, God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to us. Jesus forgave our sins on the cross. Now, anyone who believes in Jesus can be saved and become children of God.

1. God who has mercy on us
The love and mercy of God don't end with words. God sent Jesus Christ to us to show his love. In fact, we were the children of sins as nature so we couldn't save ourselves. Only we can be saved through Jesus, the son of God. Therefore, there is nothing for us to be boastful. Our salvation is achieved by the grace and the love of God. (Ep. 2:4-5) We should depend on the grace of God giving thanks to God.

2. Grace of the Holy Spirit
The love of God doesn't remain in forgiving us and cleansing us. The love of God transforms our nature from sinners to the children of God. (1 Tim 2:14) When we try to obey God with human efforts, we fail as we still have the habits of sins. Therefore, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit. People filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, will overcome sins. Also, the Holy Spirit gives us the personalities of Jesus for us to serve our neighbors. Therefore, we should surely be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to please God as the holy citizens of kingdom of God.

3. The life of an heir
We become the heirs of God with the grace of God. (Jh.1:12) The children of God have amazing privileges. We feel joy and peace under the protection and love of God, the creator of the universe and have the power to defeat evil spirits. At the same time, we have duties as children of God. We should serve the people in the world with love. It's hard and tough but we overcome when we remain in the love of God. Believing that God will take care of our life and be with us, we should gain victory with positive mind and absolute thanksgiving.