Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving
(Ps. 100:1-5)

The life of christians should be filled with thanksgiving and praise. We should give thanks because we are saved. Jesus is with us and gives us eternal hope. As our faith grows and spiritual eyes are open, we have abundant gratitude toward God.

1. Praise and thanks
We come to God with plentiful thanksgiving and Joy. However, there are people who don't have joy and gratitude because they don't know who God is. People in the world seek for joy in the world. However, we can be away from the joy of the world once we realize how God looks and then, we give thanks to God. The purpose of God's creating us was to make us praise God. (Isa. 43:21) We can have the greatest joy when we live to praise the Lord. Let us meet Jesus deeply and be accompanied with the Lord to give thanks to God so that we can make God pleased and satisfied with our praises.

2. The God who created us
God is different from other idols made by humans. God created all the things in the world. As we are creatures of God, we have privileges to depend on God at any times for we are made by the image of God. (Gen. 1:26a) Also, God wants us to have friendly relationship based on love. We will meet Good God in the beautiful world made by God and we will have real happiness when we praise God. Therefore, all our behaviors and breaths should become beautiful praise to give glory to God.

3. Thanks for his goodness and kindness
Our good God and His almighty power and glory are not compared to any other thing in the world. So God is worthy of being praised. (Ps. 29:1-2) God is patient and gentle forever as well as good. God didn't forsake the betrayers and loved them so much enough to send his own son, Jesus. To return the favor of God, we should give thanks. We should march forward to God with giving thanks. Let us not complaint because of our surroundings. With faith, God will lift us out of troubles so that we can eventually experience the miracle of God.