Jesus Came to Us
(Isa. 11:1-5)

Jesus came to the world where conflicts and tensions were spread as the King of peace. Only Jesus gave us the real peace. The prophet Isaiah gave us prediction about Jesus, the biggest blessing of the world.

1. Jesus with the Holy Spirit
Jesus came to the world as the son of David and the Messiah. But Jesus did not alone work, but cooperated with the Holy Spirit. (Ac 10:38) We should resemble Jesus so that we will be accompanied with the Holy Spirit. When we are with the Holy Spirit, we can overcome hardships to please God. We will realize the will of God and know God properly. Be armed with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and take the responsibility for doing the mission from God.

2. Jesus who feared God
Jesus honored and feared God. Jesus was not boastful and gave glory to God. Jesus was working with the will of God. (Jh. 17:4) Fearing God means that we should respect and serve God with honor and fear. By doing so, we can live a life to satisfy God. Also, when we fear God, we can live a holy life. Those who honor God with joy will be greatly blessed. When we live for seeking for the will of God, our good God will fill our life with his best things.

3. Jesus who judged with righteousness
Jesus came to the world of the King to Judge with righteousness. It's hard to find righteousness in the world. Powerful people in the world fill their greed in the name of avarice. However, the righteousness of Jesus is related to the will of God. Jesus returns the rights for the weak and the oppressed and judges the wicked. (Ps 72:4) Jesus became the friends of the sinners and tax collectors and gave hope of the kingdom of God to the poor. We should join to show the righteousness of Jesus based on the love. This is the season of Christmas. We should reach our hands and deliver the love of Jesus to the poor and depressed.