You Are My Hidden Place
(Ps. 32:5-8)

After Adam and Even committed sins, the world has been filled with sins, greed and disbelief. However, Jesus came to the world as the healer. Today, let us think of Jesus who came for us and think how we accept Jesus.

1. Praying for the forgiveness of sins
Jesus wants to restore the broken order of creation of the world. Anyone can have restored relationships with God by coming before Jesus. We should not think that small sins are justifiable. The bible says the outcome of committing sins is death. Thinking that sins are trivial and trying solving the sins by ourselves cannot work. Jesus as perfect God can solve the matter of our sins. We must stop doing our efforts to solve the matter of our sins and should remain in Jesus. When we remain in Jesus, we can fight against sins with the help of the Holy Spirit.

2. Praying for His help
While living in the world, we face various difficulties with many reasons. Don't put your effort to solve your problems. We should remember that we must come before God when we are in troubles. When you are persecuted and accused, you need to look back on yourself and come closer to God. Israel people couldn't do anything before the Red Sea. However, the sea was split with the help of Almighty God. (Ex. 14:21) God is our help and hope. With the positive faith, look for God and give thanks to God. Then, God will come to us with his miracles of salvation.

3. God leading the way we should go
We should accept that God is the owner of our life. People in the world think that they are the master of their own lives but they are deceived by Satan. Those who are the master of their life will have hardships and judgment. Depend on our good God and obey God. Don't judge the guidance of God with our limited thoughts. Jesus obeyed God and took the cross of suffering. It was extremely painful but finally was highly lifted by God. (Phil. 2:6-11) Resembling Jesus, follow the guidance of God in your life. When you live a life with God and listen to God carefully, you will be blessed a lot during your life.