Jesus Came for Us
(Lk. 5:27-32)

Jesus who came for us as a human is the joy of all humans, hope and blessing. Just one day before the Christmas, we should remember and mediate Jesus who was sent to us as our hope.

1. Jesus came for the sick
After Adam and Eve committed sins, poverty, diseases and curses came into the world. However, Jesus came to the world to be dead on the cross and rose again for us thereby clearing the disease, poverty and curses. (Mt. 8:17) We are sick. Many people are suffered from social diseases such as rage, conflicts and tensions as well as physical diseases. We cannot heal ourselves. Only Jesus becomes our healer. Whatever the diseases are, put these down before the cross of Jesus. Jesus heals you.

2. Jesus came to save sinners
Jesus called Levi, the tax collector as his disciple and had a meal with other tax collectors and sinners. Jesus became the friends of sinners and the neighbor of the despised. All of us are sinners and no one is free from the sins. However, we have an open way to be saved through Jesus once we believe in Jesus. Now, we should live with repenting our sins and giving thanks to Jesus. The real repentance occurs inside with the help of the Holy Spirit. Then, we can return from sins and resemble Jesus.

3. Jesus came to give the abundant life
Jesus wants us to have abundant life. (Jh. 10:10) However, many christians don't enjoy the life even they were saved out of sins and deaths and given a life through Jesus. Our God gives us bountiful grace. God leads us to the green pasture and waterside to take a rest. Therefore, we should not be complacent to get a life. We should enjoy life and share the blessings we are given with others. Then, God will bless us more and lead us to abundant life.