I Have Kept the Faith
(2Ti. 4:5-8)

This scripture was written for Timothy who was regarded as a spiritual son of Paul as well as a beloved disciple. Today is the last Sunday of year 2017 and the last day and we should look back on ourselves with this message to prepare an upcoming new year.

1. Do your job
We as sinners were saved by the love of God thereby becoming children of God. We should give thanks to the grace of God and do our best efforts to fulfill our duties as children of God. What we are doing is our mission and where we belong to is the workplace where God sends us. The success is the award that God gives for those who has been doing their earnest efforts to achieve the will of God. Sometimes, we face various difficulties. Let us not be frustrated in the amid of hardships and keep marching with faith. Then, our Good God will make everything good in the end by leading our life to the best. (Rom. 8:28)

2. Keep your faith
We should keep our faith. If a marathoner runs at first but collapses right before the finishing line, it will be meaningless at the end. Likewise, we should run with faith till the end of our life. Demas, a faithful servant of Paul, betrayed Paul when Paul was kept in the prison for two times. Let us not become like Demas. We should not give up our faith and keep looking at Jesus with faith. When we look at the world, we feel frustrated while when we fix our eyes onto Jesus, we feel unshakable. (Heb. 12:2) Let us become the great men of faith to please God.

3. Expect God’s reward
Paul advised that there will be the crown of the righteousness for those who are waiting for Jesus' coming again. The great reward of heaven is ahead of those who keep faith and do their best. (Rev. 22:12) Jesus will come surely. And we will stand before the Judgement of God at that time. Keep your faith, fulfilling your duties. Be the good servant of God whom God will praise when we stand before God. Our Lord will come soon.