Go into the Land That I Am about to Give You
(Jos 1:1-4)

We should live march forward with faith during our life. God works with the man with faith. God gives us a new year, 2018. We should live with faith to experience the miracle of God and give glory to God.

1. Leave your past behind
Moses who was a great leader to lead the Israelites for 40 years in the deserts was dead. The Israelites were in panic and in despair. They experienced the miracles when they were with Moses but they lost the great leader and they didn't know what to do without Moses. The time with Moses and his death was gone to the past which they couldn't bring back. We have past filled with happiness, sadness, success and failure. However, we are now new creatures in Jesus. (2 Cor. 5:17) We don't have to cling to our bitter past memories. In this new year, let us not look back on our past behind us. Instead, let us look forward to gain victory with the help of the Holy Spirit.

2. Rise with faith
God allowed them to have a new leader, Joshua for them to rise up again from the place of sadness and despair. (Jos. 1:2) People used by God will stand up again even though they face various difficulties because they look at the vision and hope coming from God thereby grasping the victory of life at the end. However, it cannot be done by our own abilities. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can get out of the past and rise up again with faith. In this new year, let us be filled with the Holy Spirit and be restored to march toward the vision and dream originated from the Holy Spirit.

3. March forward with Faith
God asked them to cross over the Jordan river to get to the promised land. God prepares the amazing miracles and blessings we cannot expect and wants us to conquer this year with only faith. When we are with faith, we possess the blessings that God prepares for us. Like the Israelites and Joshua did, we will experience the amazing blessings and miracles of God in the place where we reach. (Jos. 1:3-4) Not looking back upon our past days, stand and march forward with faith to enjoy the prepared blessings of God.