No One Will Be Able to Stand up against You
(Jos 1:5-6)

This message was given to Joshua who had to conquer the Canaan. God gave this new year 2018 to us as a gift. We should conquer this new land with faith.

1. No one will be able to stand up against you
God said to Joshua that No one would be able to stand up against him. When Israel spies were sent to look around Canaan, ten of them were negatively reporting about the land. However, Joshua with Galeb confessed that Canaanites couldn't beat them when they would be with God. Then they bravely proclaimed that the Canaanites would be their prey. We should have this strong faith to conquer this new year 2018, saying that who will be against us because God is with us. When God is with us, no one will be against us.

2. I will be with you
God promised Joshua that He would be with Joshua just like God had been with Moses. Because God was with Moses, no one hindered the way Moses marched. Even, the King of the most powerful nation, Egypt couldn't hinder Moses with God. God was with Joshua as he had promised and the Israel people led by Joshua could enter the Canaan. With God, we can strong enough to beat everything. (Rom 8:37) March forward with faith by depending on God of Immanuel who is with us. We can cross over the Jordan river, our problems because God is with us so that we can enter the Promised Land of Canaan.

3. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
God promised Joshua that he would never leave him or forsake him. People whom we depend on will leave us in some days. However, our God will never leave us nor forsake us, protecting and leading us forever. Therefore, we can gain victory at the end. Therefore, we should depend Almighty God whom Joshua had depended on and march forward bravely to conquer this new year. Don't be afraid and march with faith. God is with us and will not abandon us. (Heb 13:5)