Be Strong and Courageous
(Jos. 1:7-9)

In this blessed new year of 2018, how do we live to be blessed? Through the message given to Joshua who was about to conquer Canaan, let us have decisive and faithful resolution.

1. Be strong and courageous
Joshua was fearful before the Canaanites who were giant and big enough to fight well. God asked Joshua to be bold and brave. Being fearful and terrified comes from Satan, who drives us depressing moments, giving us dread and fear. However, we can be courageous whatever happens because Jesus already overcame the world. (John 16:33). During the faithful journey of life, Devils and evil spirits constantly give us fear with negative thoughts to make us fall down. However, we will overcome completely by looking at Jesus who was dead but rose again for us and marching with faith.

2. Be careful to obey all the law
Joshua 1:7 says that, "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go." We should live our days based on the word of God. When we follow the words of God, we will not be shaken by the winds and rain of our life. With being deeply rooted on the words of God, we will bear fruit and give glory to God. Let us listen to the word of God and obey it to be blessed in this new year.

3. Walk with the Lord
David was anointed to be a king during his teens and collapsed the Giant Goliath and became a national hero of the nation. However, he was chased by King Soul and became a runaway. However, he didn't give up his faith and was accompanied by God. As a result, he finally overcame all the trials and hardships of the life and sat on the throne, living a life of victory.(2 Sam 8:6) We should be with God despite troubles and hardships in our life. Then, God will give us blessing of reinforcing our soul, turning everything into Good and making us healthy.