Cross the Jordan
(Jos. 3:1-6)

When we live the days, we face various obstacles to hinder us from marching forward. Joshua and Israel people met the Jordan river ahead of them when they had to conquer the canaan.

1. Consecrate yourselves
When Israel people crossed the Red Sea, they just walked across the sea because God performed the miracle. However, God asked them to be prepared when they stood at the entrance to canaan with facing the Jordan river. It was for them to be purified. (Jos. 3:5) To be saved, firstly, we should believe in Jesus but to enter the place of being blessed, we should be purified. Why do many christians not enjoy the bigger blessing and grace of God? It is because we still have problems of sins. In other words, we are still not pure before God. With the precious blood of Jesus and fullness of the Holy Spirit, we should prepare the bow of blessing.

2. Follow the word
To cross the Jordan river, the priests had go ahead of them, with lifting the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When the priests carried it ahead of them, they followed the ark of the word of God. It meant they followed and obeyed the word of God. God ordered them to move out and follow it when they saw the ark of the covenant of the LORD carried by the priests. We should not go ahead with our thoughts, knowledge and experiences. Rather, we should seek for the will of God to follow the word of God. Let us come closer to the word of God. Those who read and keep the word of God into practice will be blessed. (Rev. 1:3)

3. Move forward with faith
The priests put their feet into the river to follow the word of God, with carrying the ark of the word of God. When they crossed the Red Sea, they had already seen the Red Sea split but they had to cross the Jordan before it had been dried. God wanted to see their faith before giving the promised land, canaan. Faith means our obedience to the word of God as well as a challenge to the impossible. Just like the priests stepped into the river, the river stopped flowing, we can experience the miracles of God when we follow the word of God with faith. Challenge with faith. Then God will work for you.