Destroy Jericho
(Jos. 6:1-5)

For Israel people to conquer the Canaan, they had to collapse the Jericho located at the entrance of the Canaan. God asked Joshua to march around the Jericho one time a day and seven times at the seventh day.

1. Destroy Jericho within me
Jericho was the great wall and strong which was not easily defeated. Thus, the Israel people thought that it was not possible and terrified. They had to get rid of fear at first to conquer the Jericho. While we are living, we face the wall like the Jericho. To conquer the Jericho before us, we should collapse the Jericho inside us. We can overcome our difficulties with God even it seems to be impossible. With holding the word of God and praying hard, you can overcome fear and anxiety in your mind.

2. Destroy Jericho of the environment
When Israel people marched around the Jericho, the seven priests marched ahead of the people with blowing the trumpets in front of the armed soldiers and people. The other soldiers, normal people and the ark of God were behind of them. At the same time, the people had to be silent and follow the Ark and the sound of the trumpets. Likewise, we should only listen to the sound of God's trumpet and the voice of God instead of listening to the negative words of the world. Without looking at our surroundings and with following the words of God, the Jericho of our life will be collapsed. Don't be negative and complain when you are in trouble. God will work with the man who is absolutely positive enough to give thanks in all circumstances.

3. Conquer by faith
On the seventh day and at the seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people, “Shout! For the LORD has given you the city!” (Jos. 6:16) When Israel people shouted in one mind, the Jericho was collapsed. This invincible wall was collapsed by the work of Almighty God and the faith of Israel people. God is still looking for the man of faith and brings about miracles through faithful people. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, and march with faith. Surely, the Jericho in our life will be destroyed.