The Battle of Ai
(Jos. 7:1-5)

Miraculously Israel people crossed the Jordan river and destroyed the Jericho and began to attack the Ai. The city, Ai was even less larger than the Jericho. The city was very small but Israel people led by Joshua was totally defeated at the battle.

1. Human greed and crime
The reason why they failed was because they didn’t listen to God and committed sins. (Jos. 7:1) God asked them to offer everything to God. However, Achan was so greedy that he stole some valuable things and hid them secretly and it caused the all the people to be in the troubles. We should find Achan in our hearts and burn it with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Sins drive not only ourselves but the members of family, even our communities to be put in the hardships. Thus, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit to defeat the sins and march forward the Canaan, the land of honey and milk.

2. Leader’s mistake
The failure of attacking the Ai was due to the arrogance of Israel people and neglect of Joshua. To conquer the Jericho, they had marched around the city for seven days with praying hard. On the contrary, they did not seek the will of God before they attacked the Ai. Joshua sent the spies according to his own will and acted based on the advice of them. The one who knows the grace of God is humble. (1 Cor. 15:10) However, the person who forgot the grace of God and think that they've achieved everything without God, is arrogant. Risks and threats come after we experience the blessings of God. We should confess that we are nothing without God and ask for help humbly before God. Then, we can experience the grace and miracles of God continuously.

3. The grace of recovery
Joshua did not fall down at the place of despair. He tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground with being sprinkled dust on the head. God asked him to rise up again and gave him a chance to attack the Ai to gain victory again. God finally allowed them to gain the victory. God wants his people to rise up from the place of adversities in order to live a life full of victory and blessing. Seek for the will of God even it is a small matter and obey the words of God. Don not give up even though you experience failure at some point of your life. Come to the cross of Jesus and ask mercy and blessing of God. Then, God will help you to overcome the Canaan.