O Sun, Stand Still Over Gibeon
(Jos. 10:12-14)

Christianity is the faith of being positive absolutely and hopeful. There is no despair in Jesus. The life of Christians is that of miracle. It’s a miracle that we believe in Jesus and we are living today with the grace of God.

1. Attack of the enemy coalition
When Israel destroyed the Jericho and Ai, the Gibeon came to Joshua to forge peace agreement with Israel. On hearing this, Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem formed joined forces. They moved up with all their troops and took up positions against Gibeon and attacked it. While we are living, the evil demon attack our physical health, wounded mind, disharmonious family and distrust in human relationships. Don’t be afraid. Don’t look around the people and surroundings. Look at God who is greater than matters. God will help us,

2. God helping us
Request from Gibeon calling for help, Joshua went to Gibeon. They walked all night and they encountered the united forces by surprise. When we pray hard, the help of God comes to us, God asked Joshua not to be afraid and he was confident that he would win. God helped the united forces of Joshua win the battle and made giant hail to punish the enemies. Depend on God completely. God will help you when you make mistakes or even when you are in trouble.

3. Declare by faith
The united forces with Joshua almost won but the sun started setting down. It was not advantageous to Joshua and his armies. So Joshua prayed and cried out before God in front of his people. And he bravely shouted to the sun and the moon. He asked the sun and the moon to stand still. (Jos.10:12) God answered his prayer. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till enemies were annihilated. The prayer based on faith brings about miracles. Be a man of greater faith. Then miracle happens. There is nothing impossible in Jesus.