Now Give Me This Hill Country
(Jos. 14:9)

God always works with a man of faith and dream. God does not work with the man of being native, complaining and grumbling. The faithful people found in the bible all had divine dream and lived a life of faith. The man named Caleb can be the best exemplary person.

1. Faith based on the word
Caleb had depended on the Word of God during his life. 45 years had passed but he never lost the Word of God. At the age of 85, he went to the battlefield to take the promised land and it seemed to be hard but he held the Word of God tightly and marched forward. Eventually he was able to take Hebron. By holding the word of God only, we should keep marching faithfully. The sincere word of God will come true surely. (Isa. 55:11) Even if time passes, our surroundings seem to be difficult, and things seem to happen against the promises of God, we should not give up because God leads us.

2. Faith of absolute positivity
Caleb was man of being absolutely positive. Even he was 85 years old, he said that he was strong enough to go into the battlefield. (Jos. 14:11) He was positive when he was young because he had become one of 12 spies, he reported focusing on positive sides after he finished looking around the Canaan. On the contrary, the other 10 spies had reported negatively and complained before God. The absolutely positive faith is centered on the faith based on the Word of God to know that God is so good and is with us, who did not save his only son to save us.

3. Faith achieving dream and hope
Caleb had divine dream. Embracing the dream originated from God, he overcome impossible stumbling blocks of the limit of his age of 85 and the fact that he was an offspring of Anakites. People live with dreams. Dream make us overcome our realities to go beyond. People without dream are likely to dead people even they are alive. Even though we are old, we can fly higher with the clear vision and dream with spreading our wings of hope. Learn from Caleb and dream a holy dream. Holding the Word of God, proclaim and ask God to give us this land. (Jos. 14:12) Then, God will allow us to have the promised land of God.