Jesus Was Filled with Compassion
(Mk. 1:40-45)

Three punishments came to the world including the death of spirit, environment and body. Theses problem can be solved by Jesus. We need Jesus without exception.

1. A leper
According to today’s ‘scripture reading, a leprosy came. He represented the destiny of all humans who would be born in the sins, live with sins and die because of sins. The leper came to Jesus and knelt down and said if Jesus was willing, Jesus could make him clean. (Mk. 1:40) It was amazing confession based on the faith. There was no hope and no one to help him. However, he came to Jesus with faith. Likewise, we should come before Jesus to pray hard whatever happens and seek the help of God. God will listen and give us his answer.
2. Jesus the healer
Jesus was filled with compassion seeing the leper. When Jesus has pity on us, miracles happen. Jesus reached his hands to the leper who was turned away from people. Jesus acted first before he said that he wanted to heal as he loved the patient. And Jesus said, “I am willing and be clean!” Then the leper was healed instantly. Jesus is still healing. Jesus heals our physical illness, emotional illness, environmental illness and relationship-related illness and so on. Put down any types of illnesses before the cross of Jesus with faith. Jesus heals.

3. News about Jesus
The leper spread the news that Jesus healed him. He could not help being silent. He had to spread the news related to Jesus who became the healer. Then, people heard the news and gathered from here and there to see Jesus. We should spread the name of Jesus. Paul said there would be woe to him if he would not deliver the name of Jesus. (1 Cor. 9:16) We should spend giving thanks to God and spread the gospel to all the people with passion. Then, we will have multiplied blessings of God and God will be with us as the grace of extending our boundary.