Get up, Take Your Mat and Go Home
(Mk. 2:1-12)
God always looks for faithful people. However, it’s easy for people to change negatively as time passes. Therefore, we should fight against our disbelief. Let us be armed with positive attitude and absolute gratitude to become the faithful people that God wants.
1. Faith overcoming obstacles
Four men with a paralyzed friend heard the news that Jesus could heal diseases. They carried the friend on the mat to see Jesus. However, so many people were there and hard for them to approach Jesus. If they had been normal people, they could have given up and tried to find another chance. However, they did not stop before the obstacle. First, they made a hole on the roof and pulled down the mat from the roof to the house. (Mk. 2:4) Likewise, the real faith enables us to go beyond our surroundings and what people say to us. Rather, people with faith challenge with faith. Let us not give up and fall behind.
2. Jesus who saw their faith
According to today’s scripture reading, Jesus said that he saw their faith. (Mk 2:5) Only faithful people can please God and experience miracles allowed by God. When God recognizes our faith, miracle happens. Therefore, we should have strong faith accompanied with our action and practice. Even we say we have faith but don’t act based on our faith, it is dead. Have faith recognized by God. Think with faith and dream with faith. Act with faith. Then you will experience amazing miracles of God.
3. The proclamation of Jesus
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven and get up and take your mat and go home." Jesus proclaimed with the authority of forgiving sins and healing diseases. As a result, the paralytic was able to stand up with his mat and went home. People witnessing this scene were amazed, giving glory to God. Today, the power of prayer is same. Faithful prayer heals the sick and enables us to be forgiven. (James 5:15) Jesus says to us in the same way. Even depressing and frustrating moments sweep over you, don’t be dismayed and hold the promise of God and stand up with faith. Then miracles happen.