The Seeds That Fell on Four Types of Soil
(Mk. 4:2~9)

Life is formed with how we think. Positive people tend to have a positive life. Conversely, negative people tend to live a negative life. With the parable of sowing seeds taught by Jesus, our mind should become the good soil.
1. The seeds that fell along the path
People with the seeds on the path will have hard mind so they can’t realize the Word of God and the words are stolen by the Satan. They are not touched in the church hearing the Word of God and sit on the chair. Even the christians with faith can have this mind. If we have hard mind, we should not hesitate and repent as quickly as possible to change our minds. (Hos. 10:12) Then the spout of the Word of God will come out and will grow to bear fruit.
2. The seeds that fell on rocky places
The second soil which Jesus tells us about is the rocky one. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They have small and big wounds, hatred, anger and guilty feelings in hearts like stones in our hearts. If we don’t get rid of these stones in our heart, the Word of God cannot be planted so that the roots cannot be grown deeply. With the power of breaking down the rock with the Word of God, we should remove rocks in the heart. (Jer. 23:29)
3. The seeds that fell among thorns
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as are easily tempted by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature and bear fruits. They do volunteering services and are trained in church but the owner of their hearts is not Jesus but the world so eventually they go through failures. Jesus says that we cannot serve the wealth and God at the same time. (Mt. 6:24) We should put down everything before God and seek for the kingdom of God. The God will pure out the grace of God.
4. The seeds that fell on good soil
Finally, people with the seeds on the good soil is those who received the Word and bear 30 times, 60 times or 100 times. It stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering, produce a crop. We can do this once we remain in Jesus. Let us experience that the holy seed of the Word of God will bear fruits everyday once our minds are transformed into good soil.