Jesus on the Colt
(Mk. 11:1-6)

Today is Palm Sunday. It is the day that we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem as Savior and King. Based on today's scripture reading, let us look at the mind of Jesus before lifting the cross.

1. Jesus came as a humble servant
Jesus rode on the colt to enter Jerusalem not entering luxuriously as the king. This teaches us how to be humble. Jesus came as King of humility and had been gently and humble in all cases. Remember that Jesus washed the feet of the disciples before the night Jesus was captured. (John 13:14-15) Let's become the small Jesus to resemble Jesus and lift the name of Jesus. Jesus does not use arrogant people. Jesus works with humble people and show the glory of God.

2. The grace of obedience
Jesus asked two of his disciples to bring a colt in the town. The owners of colt asked the reason why when they found them and tried to take it. They told that Jesus would use it and the owners let them bring it to Jesus nevertheless it was the mean of their living. (Mk. 11:5-6) They showed their obedience sacrificing their own interests. It is not easy to be sacrificed. However, Jesus was sacrificed even he was dead and his obedience opened the way for salvation to all human beings. Let us learn from Jesus and live by obeying God. There will be blessings of God beyond the hard obedience.

3. Lord to be praised forever
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, many people welcomed to meet Jesus. (Mk. 11:8-10) They anticipated Jesus eagerly based on the wrong expectation. They thought Jesus was the messiah to save them politically out of suppressive ruling of Rome. When their expectation was not met, they shortly became the angry mobs asking Jesus to be dead on the cross. We should praise God in all circumstances. We should spread the name of God and resemble Jesus. Let us put down all pride and arrogance. Instead, we should give thanks and praise to Jesus who walked on the suffering ways of cross to save us.