Jesus Christ Is the Same Forever
(Heb. 13:8)

The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest miracle and joyful, touching moment. When the people were suffering from their sins, Jesus was resurrected from the power of death and sins. The resurrected Jesus changed the past, current and future of human beings.

1. The resurrection of yesterday
Jesus was resurrected 2000 years ago in the Palestine area. There were so many witnesses including Magdalene Maria, Johana, and the mother of James, who heard the news that Jesus was resurrected and went to the disciples. On the way to meeting the disciples, she met the resurrected Jesus. Jesus was shown to the disciples. The resurrected Jesus was shown to the disciples who were terrified and hid because of fear and delivered twice the peace. (John 20:19, 21) I hope all of us will be filled with peace. Let us live with the real peace, which cannot be given by the world.

2. The resurrection of today
Jesus was resurrected from the past and is with us who believe in the resurrected Jesus today. Jesus became the first fruit of the resurrection so anyone who believes in Jesus can become the children of God and enjoy the life of resurrection. (1 Co. 15:20) As a result, we can be accompanied with Jesus during our life. Now, we should live giving thanks and praising to the Lord. Praise and gratitude will make us overcome various hardships and adversity thereby giving us abundant joy. Looking at the resurrected Jesus, let us praise and give thanks to the Lord so that we can experience the joy of resurrection every day,

3. The resurrection of tomorrow
The resurrected Jesus leads us yesterday, today and in the future. Jesus is with us until the end of the world. Challenge with divine dream and hope. Become a man of God to please God and give glory to God. Also, we should be proud of what God has done for us. We will be transformed gloriously when Jesus comes again. (1 Th. 4:14-17) There is no death to the believers. We are given eternal life. By being armed with the faith of the resurrection, let us hope to see coming Jesus and have a victorious life every day.