God Who Walks Along with Us
(Ge. 28:10-15)

Today's scripture reading tells that Jacob left to Haran to live with his uncle to be away from his brother, Esau. Just like Jacob walked along the desert away from his home, we walk in the desert of life. When we are with someone while walking in the lonely and tough life, we will be much encouraged.

1. God who walks along with us
Jacob became a runaway and walked in the desert to be away from his brother, who decided to kill Jacob. Walking all day long, he was exhausted and couldn't find any place to take a rest so he put a stone under his head and looked at the sky. Our life is not that much different from this scene. We walk alone after we are parted from our parents, spouse, children and friends. However, God is with us when we live in the desert of life. Accept Jesus and meet God. God will be never away from us. (Jos. 1:5)

2. God who makes us dream
God came in his dream when Jacob fell asleep. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. (Ge. 28:13) This stairway symbolizes Jesus. Only the cross of Jesus can lead us to God and heaven. While we are in the desert, depend on the cross of Jesus. And Holy Sprit gives the children of God the dream. Have a holy dream and live with faith. God works with the man of dream and faith.

3. God who gives us the Word
God gave Jacob concrete words of promise after God gave him a dream. God promised that God would give him and his descendants the land on which he was lying. And God promised that his descendants would be like the dust of the earth, and he would spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth would be blessed through him and his offspring. Furthermore, God promised that God would be with him until the promises would be achieved. God who is interested in us respective, is with us and says to us. Be accompanied with the Words of God. The Words of God becomes of hopeful message, blessings and miracles.