The Vow of Jacob
(Ge. 28:20-22)

Today's scripture reading is related to the scene where Jacob saw the vision in his dream and received the message of God on the way to Haran and. We should live a life of giving thanks to God as we are blessed children of God. The real thanksgiving is shown through concrete decisions of our life for God.

1. God fulfilling the Word
Waking up from his dream, Jacob prayed, believing that God would achieve what He promised. The Word of God never fails and is never changing and perfect. The promise Jacob received was the same as that of Abraham, the grandfather of Jacob. God remembered the promise with Abraham and kept His word. We should live to achieve the Word of God. We should listen to the word of God, not the word of the world. The word of the World makes us worried and anxious while the Word of God allows us to be filled with the life and blessing.

2. The House of God, Faith establishing sanctuary
Jacob confessed that the stone where he put his head would be the temple of God. The reason why Jacob called the empty field the house of God was because he met God there. God regards our mind as his temple. (1Cor 3:16) Therefore, we should try to become the temple of God. And the temple of God means church during the new testament period. We should love and serve church with joy and sincere. Let us bear fruits of the Holy Spirit through faithful obedience to the Holy Spirit and have worship-centered life in church. Then, our life will be full of miracles and blessings of God.

3. The right attitude of viewpoint of material
Jacob promised that he offered one tenth of what he had to God. By paying tithe we confess that everything came from God and God became the master of his life. We should surely know where the blessing comes from. God becomes the source of blessing. When we offer the tithe with faith, God open the door of heaven in order to give the blessing to us. We need to offer the tithe of time. Spend your time communicating with God regularly. When we offer what God give us, we will experience that God will fill our needs much more than we expect.